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LVC Authors: Faculty

Publications & Presentations by LVC Faculty.

Dr. Bentz

Adam Bentz

Adjunct Instructor of History

Dr. Bentz Scholarship and Pedagogy 2017 Celebration

Bentz, A. T. (2016). "Cracking the door: “Mr. Immigration” and the Hungarian refugee crisis, 1956–57." Pennsylvania Legacies 16, (2): 20-25. doi:10.5215/pennlega.16.2.0020

Dr. Bentz Scholarship and Pedagogy 2016 Celebration

Bentz, A. (2015, October 9). A “nation of immigrants’” or the “suicide of a superpower?” Rhetorical lessons on America’s perennial immigration debate. Paper presented at the Pennsylvania Historical Association, Holiday Inn, Grantville, Pa.