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LVC Authors: Faculty

Publications & Presentations by LVC Faculty.

Dr. Dolan

Christopher J. Dolan

Associate Professor of Political Science

Director of International Studies

Dr. Dolan's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2017 Celebration

Dolan, C. J. (2017). Obama’s retrenchment–protraction doctrine: The decline of the Middle East and the rise of Asia and the Pacific. PS: Political Science and Politics, 50(1): 1-5.

Dr. Dolan's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2015 Celebration

Dolan, C. J. (2015, Forthcoming). U.S. foreign policy and global change in the 2012 presidential election. In D. M. Brattebo, T. Lansford & J. Covarrubias (Eds.), The presidential election of 2012: A transformation in American national politics (n.p.). Akron, OH: University of Akron Press.

Dolan, C. J., & Lyon, A. J. (2014, Under Review). Hangovers and halos: Humanitarian intervention in Libya. Journal of International Relations and Development, n.v., n.p.

Dr. Dolan's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Dolan, C. J. (2012). Foreign policy in President Obama's first term: America in a shifting global order. In D. Brattebo, R. Watson & T. Lansford (Eds.), The presidential election of 2012. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Dolan, C. J., & Lyon, A. J. (2012). Modeling humanitarian intervention: A test case for Libya. International Studies Association, San Diego, CA.

Dr. Dolan's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2012 Celebration

Dolan, C. J. (2011). From scratch: Designing and implementing a new international studies program at a small college. International Studies Perspectives, 12(4), 428-446.

Dolan, C. J., & Johnson, D. E. (2011). U.S.-Cuban relations during the Obama Administration and beyond. Tempo Exterior: Revista De Analise e Estudios Internacionais, 11(23), 53-70.