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LVC Authors: Faculty

Publications & Presentations by LVC Faculty.

Dr. Grieve-Carlson

Gary Grieve-Carlson

Professor of English

Dr. Grieve-Carlson's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2017 Celebration

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2016, March 19). Giving meaning to death: John Brown, Walt Whitman, and John Greenleaf Whittier. Presentation at the Northeast Modern Language Association. Hartford, CT.

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2016). "Towards an American avant-garde: Williams's quarrel with Eliot." Modern Language Studies 46(1): 54-69.

Dr. Grieve-Carlson's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2016 Celebration

Grieve-Carlson, G. John Tagliabue and the office of the poet. The Dalhousie Review, 94(3), 325-337.

Grieve-Carlson, G., & Wilhelm, N. (2015). Lindley Murray and the grammar wars. CEAMagazine, 24, 4-20.

Dr. Grieve-Carlson's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2015 Celebration

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2014). At the boundary of the mighty world: Charles Olson and Hesiod. Mosiac, 47(4), 135-150.

Dr. Grieve-Carlson's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2013). Poems containing history: Twentieth-century American poetry's engagement with the past. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Dr. Grieve-Carlson's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). "The fathers run out in the sons": Charles olson, ezra pound, and "the song of Ullikummi". Paideuma, 39, 163-179.

Grieve-Carlson, G. (March 30-April 1, 2012). Plato, whitehead, and the idea of history in charles olson's maximus poems. The Ancient Quarrel between Poetry and Philosophy Seminar. American Comparative Literature Association. Brown University.

Dr. Grieve-Carlson's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2012 Celebration

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2011). John Winthrop in 'The Maximus Poems'. The New England Quarterly, 84(4), 655-695. doi:10.1162/TNEQ_a_00133

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). At the boundary of a mighty world. The Poetic Front, 5(1).

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). 'The Fathers Run Out in the Sons': Charles Olsen, Ezra Pound, and 'The Song of Ullikummi'. Paideuma.

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). 'The House-Top': Melville's poem of force. War, Literature and the Arts.

Grieve-Carlson, G. In the borderlands: American poetry engages history. In T. Lacy (Ed.), American Intellectual History (title unknown, book still in process) (pp. n/a). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Grieve-Carlson, G. (2011). Can history matter? Hart Crane's use of the past in 'The Bridge'. Unpublished manuscript.

Grieve-Carlson, G., & Day, M. A. (2010). MacLeish, Oppenheimer, and 'The Conquest of America'. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 93(3-4), 281-311.