Christopher J. Dolan
Associate Professor of Political Science
Director of International Studies
Dolan, C. J. (2017). Obama’s retrenchment–protraction doctrine: The decline of the Middle East and the rise of Asia and the Pacific. PS: Political Science and Politics, 50(1): 1-5.
Dolan, C. J. (2015, Forthcoming). U.S. foreign policy and global change in the 2012 presidential election. In D. M. Brattebo, T. Lansford & J. Covarrubias (Eds.), The presidential election of 2012: A transformation in American national politics (n.p.). Akron, OH: University of Akron Press.
Dolan, C. J., & Lyon, A. J. (2014, Under Review). Hangovers and halos: Humanitarian intervention in Libya. Journal of International Relations and Development, n.v., n.p.
Dolan, C. J. (2012). Foreign policy in President Obama's first term: America in a shifting global order. In D. Brattebo, R. Watson & T. Lansford (Eds.), The presidential election of 2012. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Dolan, C. J., & Lyon, A. J. (2012). Modeling humanitarian intervention: A test case for Libya. International Studies Association, San Diego, CA.
Dolan, C. J. (2011). From scratch: Designing and implementing a new international studies program at a small college. International Studies Perspectives, 12(4), 428-446.
Dolan, C. J., & Johnson, D. E. (2011). U.S.-Cuban relations during the Obama Administration and beyond. Tempo Exterior: Revista De Analise e Estudios Internacionais, 11(23), 53-70.