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LVC Authors: Faculty

Publications & Presentations by LVC Faculty.

Dr. Rasmussen

Michelle Rasmussen

Assistant Professor Chemistry

Dr. Rasmussen's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2017 Celebration

Rutherford, J. L., VandeZande, G. L., Olvany, J. L. & Rasmussen, M. (2016, August 22). Self-powered enzymatic biosensor for simultaneous detection of two biomarkers of Parkinson’s Disease. Poster presented at the 252nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.

VandeZande, G. R., Olvany, J. M., Rutherford, J. L. & Rasmussen, M. (2016). Enzyme immobilization and mediation with osmium redox polymers. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1504, 165-179.

Dr. Rasmussen's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2016 Celebration

VandeZande, G., Olvany, J., Rutherford, J., & Rasmussen, M. Self-powered enzymatic biosensor for simultaneous detection of  two biomarkers of Parkinson's Disease. Poster Presented at the 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Chemical and Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.

Dr. Ritchie

Jeffrey J. Ritchie

Chair and Associate Professor of Digital Communications

Dr. Ritchie's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Ritchie, J. (2014). The affordances and constraints of mobile locative narratives. In J. Farman (Ed.), The mobile story: Narrative practices with locative technologies (pp. 53-67). New York: Routledge.

Ritchie, J. (. E. (Fall 2012). The Journal of the Internatiional Digital Media and Arts Association.

Dr. Ritchie's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Lehr, M. E., & Ritchie, J. (2013). Utilization of a collaborative and interdepartmental student-centered approach in the development of a technology-based application prototype to complement entry-level didactic instruction for cervicothoracic musculoskeletal management. Abstract Accepted June 2011 for Combined Sections Meeting in 2013. San Diego, CA.

Ritchie, J. (Ed.). (2012). The Journal of International Digital Media and Arts Association

Ritchie, J., & Samuel, M. (2012). Historic old Miami: The magic city. Mobile Storytelling, iDMAa Conference. Miami, FL.

Dr. Romagnolo

Catherine Romagnolo

Associate Professor & Dept. Chair English

Dr. Romagnolo's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Romagnolo, C. (2014, forthcoming). Narrative disidentification: Beginnings in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon. In J. Ho, S. Morgan & J. Donahue (Eds.), Narrative, race and ethnicity in the Americas.

Dr. Romagnolo's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Romagnolo, C. (2011). Initiating dialogue: Narrative beginnings in multicultural narratives. In F. L. Aldama, & W. A. Nericcio (Eds.), Analyzing world fiction: New horizons in narrative theory (pp. 183-198). Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

Professor Samuel

Mathew Samuel

Assistant Professor of Digital Communications

Professor Samuel's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Samuel, M. (2013). In Grieve-Carlson G. (Ed.), Cover illustration, poems containing history: Twentieth century American poetry's engagement with the past. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Samuel, M. (December 2013). Animals.  [Mixed media].  Private collection of Geraldine Bullock.

Samuel, M. (December 2013). The infantree's 6x6 show.   [Gallery show].  Lancaster, PA.

Samuel, M. (December 2013). Music for everyone illustration. [Two color silkscreen & letterpress prints].

Samuel, M. (March 2013). Lebanon Valley Council on the Arts, group show. [Gallery show].

Samuel, M. (September 2013). The flight of Icarus. [Mixed media].  Private collection of Orlando Bullock.

Professor Samuel's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2012 Celebration

Samuel, M. (2012). Kathakali series. Lebanon Valley College. Silk screen, watercolor & ink.

Samuel, M. (2012). Kathakali series. Lebanon Valley College. 4 color silk screen print.

Samuel, M. (2012). Self portrait. Lebanon Valley College Ink wash.

Professor Samuel's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Ritchie, J., & Samuel, M. (2012). Historic old Miami: The magic city. Mobile Storytelling, iDMAa Conference. Miami, FL.

Samuel, M. (2012). Book cover of Religion, Politics, and the Earth: The New Materialism.. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Samuel, M. (March - November 2012). Candy Factory mural. Lancaster, PA.

Dr. Schroeder

Michael Schroeder

Associate Professor History, Politics & Global Studies

Dr. Schroeder's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2017 Celebration

Schroeder, M. (2016, May 27-30). Los Voluntarios: The dialectics of insurgency & counterinsurgency in the mountains of Las Segovias, Nicaragua,1928-1929.  Paper presented at the 50th Annual Conference of the Latin American Studies Association, New York, NY

Schroeder, M. (2016, March).  Introducción crítica a los documentos sobre la escuela de Las Sabanas.  Revista de Temas Nicaragüenses, 95, 235-42.

Schroeder, M. (2016, October). La batalla de Ocotal el 16 de julio de 1927. Revista de Temas Nicaragüenses 102, 222-225.

Schroeder, M. (2016, November). Viaje de Espionaje a la República de Honduras.  Revista de Temas Nicaragüenses 103, 191-213.

Dr. Schroeder's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Schroeder, M. J. (Abril 2013). "Y tambien ensenenles a leer": Un archivo digital sobre la formacion de la Guardia Nacional Nicaragua, 1925-1979. Temas Nicaraguenses, 60, 62-65.

Schroeder, M. J. (Junio 2013). 'Todo rencor de familias': Guerra civil, imperialismo, nactionalismo popular y la formacion del estado, revueltos en las segovias de Nicaragua. Temas Nicaraguenses, 62, 14-63.

Schroeder, M. J. (Mayo 2013). Guerras de palabras: Hojas volantes y propaganda politica de los marinos y la Guardia Nacional, el EDSN, los partidos liberal y conservador y otros. Temas Nicaraguenses, 61, 16-19.

Schroeder, M. J. (2012). Review of Robert James Sierakowski's In the footsteps of Sandino: Geographies of revolution and political violence in northern Nicaragua, 1956-1979. Dissertation, University of California, Los Angeles.

Schroeder, M. J. (Agosto, 2013). "Dos libros, dos relatos de luchas heroicas del pueblo Nicaraguense," resena de Jorge Eduardo Arellano, guerrillero de nuestra America: Augusto C. Sandino (1895-1934), 2nd ed., managua: HISPAMER, 2008, y onofre guevara lopez, cien anos de movimiento social en nicaragua: Relato cronologico, managua: Instituto de historia nicaragua y centroamerica (IHNCA-UCA), 2008 (reprint of book review in Mesoamerica, no. 52, 2010). Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 64

Schroeder, M. J. (Diciembre 2013). Abriendo una grieta en el silencio: La foto misteriosa y el telegrama de Martha Hernandez Martinez. Revista De Temas Nicaraguenses, 68, 85-90.

Schroeder, M. J. (Julio 2013). Los eventos son la verdadera dialectica de la historia: Las batallas de el bramadero, 27-28 febrero de 1928. Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 63, 68-78.

Schroeder, M. J. (Septiembre 2013). Luchas por el poder entrelazadas: Un archivo digital sobre los costenos y la costa atlantica en los tiempos de Sandino. Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 65, 51-55.

Schroeder, M. J., & Brooks, D. C. (September 2013). Caudillismo masked and modernized: The remaking of the nicaraguan state via the Guardia Nacional, 1925-1940. Journal of Latin American Studies. (Manuscript under review for publication).

Dr. Schroeder's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2012 Celebration

Schroeder, M. J. (2011). Interactive map of Nicaragua and its Atlantic Coast region. Project: Digitizing History: Building and Expanding an Interpretive Digital Archive on the Sandino Rebellion in Nicaragua, 1927-1934.

Schroeder, M. J. (2011). Cultural geographies of grievance and war: Nicaragua’s Atlantic coast region in the first Sandinista Revolution, 1926-1934. Illustrations, photos, pictures.

Schroeder, M. J. (2011). National security and transnational insecurity. In J. Dym, & K. Offen (Eds.), Mapping Latin America: A cartographic reader (pp. 246-249). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Schroeder, M. J. (2011 submission). Cultural geographies of grievance and war: Nicaragua's Atlantic coast region in the first Sandinista Revolution, 1926-1934. Dialectical Anthropology.

Schroeder, M. J. (2012). Sandino Rebellion. Retrieved February 8, 2012, from
Houses and provides open access to 1,350 digital images of 687 documents; soon to house nearly 2,300 digital images of over 1,000 documents.

Schroeder, M. J., & Brooks, D. C. (2011). Rebellion from without: Foreign capital, missionaries, Sandinistas, Marines and Guardia, and Costenos in the time of the Sandino Rebellion. In L. Baracco (Ed.), National integration and contested autonomy: The Caribbean coast of Nicaragua (pp. 45-87). New York, NY: Algora Press.

Dr. Schroeder's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Schroeder, M. J. (2012). Cultural geographies of grievance and war: Nicaragua's Atlantic Coast region in the first Sandinista revolution, 1962-1934. Dialectical Anthropology, 36(3-4), 161-196. doi:10.1007/s10624-012-9272-z

Schroeder, M. J. (2012). Response to comments by Wolfgang Gabbert and Jeff Gould. Dialectical Anthropology, 36(3-4), 213-216. doi:10.1007/s10624-012-9277-7

Schroeder, M. J. (December 2012). El “archivo gordo sobre la situación de Sandino” digitalizado, División de Inteligencia Militar, Estados Unidos, 1928-1933. Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 56, 83-85. Retrieved from

Schroeder, M. J. (January 2013). Imposición de la Democracia por el Imperio Norteamericano: Reflexiones Críticas sobre las Elecciones Nicaragüenses de Noviembre de 1928 (Cover story). Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 57, 4-14. Retrieved from

Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 55, 87-89. Retrieved from

Schroeder, M. J. (October 2012). Un archivo digital de mapas históricos de Nicaragua. Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 54, 63-65. Retrieved from

Schroeder, M. J. (September 2012). Los malditos pájaros de Hierro: La guerra aérea en Nicaragua durante la Rebelión de Sandino, 1927-1932. Revista De Temas Nicaragüenses, 53, 47-87. Retrieved from

Dr. Taylor

Grant D. Taylor

Associate Professor & Dept. Chair Art & Art History

Dr. Taylor's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Taylor, G. D. (2013). Linearity and the algorithmic search. In B. McNulty (Ed.), The American algorists: Linear sublime (pp. 7-35) The Suzanne Arnold Art Gallery.

Dr. Taylor's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2012 Celebration

Taylor, G. D. (2012). "Up for grabs": Agency, praxis, and the politics of early digital art. Media-N Journal.

Taylor, G. D. (2012). The soulless usurper: Reception and criticism of early computer art. In H. Higgins, & D. Kahn (Eds.), Mainframe experimentalism: Early digital computing in the experimental arts. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Dr. Taylor's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Taylor, G. (2012). Journal of the New Media Caucus, 8(2), 11-17.

Dr. Urban

Rebecca A. Urban

Associate Professor Biology

Dr. Urban's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2017 Celebration

Urban, R.A. & Dwyer, M.E. (2016). Asexual reproduction and its potential influence on the distribution of an invasive macrophyte. Northeast Naturalist 23:408-419.  doi: 10.1656/045.023.0308.

Dr. Urban's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2014 Celebration

Bowne, D. R., Block, C. P., Chambers, R. M., Druckenbrod, D. L., Dosch, J. J., Fredericksen, T. S., . . . Urban, R.A; Zimmermann, C. R. (2013). Population structure of freshwater turtles across America: An ecological research as Education Network (EREN) collaborative project. 98th Ecological Society of America Meeting, Minneapolis, MN.

Freeman, C. W., & Urban, R. A. (2012). Sediment oxidation capabilities of four submersed aquatic macrophytes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 27(2), 259-271. doi:10.1080/02705060.2011.647404

Urban, R. A. (2013). Positive feedback favors invasion by a submersed freshwater plant. Oecologia, 172, 515-523. doi:10.1007/s00442-012-2496-4