Gary Grieve-Carlson
Professor of English
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2016, March 19). Giving meaning to death: John Brown, Walt Whitman, and John Greenleaf Whittier. Presentation at the Northeast Modern Language Association. Hartford, CT.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2016). "Towards an American avant-garde: Williams's quarrel with Eliot." Modern Language Studies 46(1): 54-69.
Grieve-Carlson, G. John Tagliabue and the office of the poet. The Dalhousie Review, 94(3), 325-337.
Grieve-Carlson, G., & Wilhelm, N. (2015). Lindley Murray and the grammar wars. CEAMagazine, 24, 4-20.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2014). At the boundary of the mighty world: Charles Olson and Hesiod. Mosiac, 47(4), 135-150.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2013). Poems containing history: Twentieth-century American poetry's engagement with the past. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). "The fathers run out in the sons": Charles olson, ezra pound, and "the song of Ullikummi". Paideuma, 39, 163-179.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (March 30-April 1, 2012). Plato, whitehead, and the idea of history in charles olson's maximus poems. The Ancient Quarrel between Poetry and Philosophy Seminar. American Comparative Literature Association. Brown University.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2011). John Winthrop in 'The Maximus Poems'. The New England Quarterly, 84(4), 655-695. doi:10.1162/TNEQ_a_00133
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). At the boundary of a mighty world. The Poetic Front, 5(1).
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). 'The Fathers Run Out in the Sons': Charles Olsen, Ezra Pound, and 'The Song of Ullikummi'. Paideuma.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2012). 'The House-Top': Melville's poem of force. War, Literature and the Arts.
Grieve-Carlson, G. In the borderlands: American poetry engages history. In T. Lacy (Ed.), American Intellectual History (title unknown, book still in process) (pp. n/a). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Grieve-Carlson, G. (2011). Can history matter? Hart Crane's use of the past in 'The Bridge'. Unpublished manuscript.
Grieve-Carlson, G., & Day, M. A. (2010). MacLeish, Oppenheimer, and 'The Conquest of America'. Soundings: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 93(3-4), 281-311.