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LVC Authors: Faculty

Publications & Presentations by LVC Faculty.

Dr. George

Cheryl L. George

Professor of Education


Dr. George's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Peck, A., Albrecht, S. F., George, C. L., Mathur, S. R., Paget, M., Ryan, J. B., . . . Baker, D. (2012). Reflections on the future of council for children with behavioral disorders: A response to colvin, forness, and nelson. Behavioral Disorders, 37(2), 123-125.

Peck, A., Albrecht, S. F., George, C. L., Mathur, S. R., Paget, M., Ryan, J. B., . . . Baker, D. (2011). New directions for CCBD? three studies examining the future of the organization. Behavioral Disorders, 37(1), 30-41.

Dr. George's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2012 Celebration

George, C. L., Oriel, K. N., Blatt, P. J., & Marchese, V. (2011). Impact of a community-based exercise program on children and adolescents with disabilities. Journal of Allied Health, 40(4), e-55-60.

Oriel, K. N., George, C. L., Peckus, B., & Semon, A. (2011). The effects of aerobic exercise on academic engagement in young children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatric Physical Therapy, 23(2), 187-193.