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LVC Authors: Faculty

Publications & Presentations by LVC Faculty.

Dr. Delavan


Will Delavan

Assistant Professor of Economics

Dr. Delavan's Scholarship and Pedagogy 2013 Celebration

Delavan, W. (2012). Economics of consumption, U.S. In C. A. Zimring, & W. L. Rathje (Eds.), Encyclopedia of consumption and waste: The social science of garbage (pp. 209-212). Los Angeles: Sage.

Delavan, W. (2012). Pennsylvania. In C. A. Zimring, & W. L. Rathje (Eds.), Encyclopedia of consumption and waste: The social science of garbage (pp. 661-663). Los Angeles: Sage.

Delavan, W. (2012). Sports. In C. A. Zimring, & W. L. Rathje (Eds.), Encyclopedia of consumption and waste: The social science of garbage (pp. 862-867).Los Angeles: Sage.