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How to Use Zotero

Free software that automates the gathering of citations/PDFs, allows you to organize them, store them, take notes on your PDFs.


Zotero group provides a powerful way to share your citations and resources.  There is no limit on how many members may join your groups.

Create a Group


  • All members of the group will need to login/register for a Zotero account at;
  • You will receive a registration email--usually it goes to junk mail.  Move it to inbox, click the link.
  • ONE member will need to set up the group.  Go to  Choose Groups.  Select set up a group.  
  • Choose membership type, private it best;
  • Choose your group settings, give editing privileges to all;
  • Select member settings and send invitations.
  • Members will receive an email and will need to click on the link to choose JOIN.
  • After joining, go back to your Zotero software.  Click on the GREEN CIRCLE on the right hand side of your Zotero screen.
  • Sync by typing in your Zotero username and PW
  • Hit the green circle again.
  • Your group library should appear below your personal library.