You'll find the best information in LVC's databases.
To begin, go to the library's homepage. Click on the blue ARTICLES & DATABASES tab. Pull down on the subject bar, and choose your subject area. To focus in on the type of information you need (articles, books, proceedings, etc.), use the ALL DATABASE TYPES pulldown.
Limit your database search by choosing a specific subject. Recognize, too, that sometimes your topic will straddle several subject areas (for example, gender wage gap could fall within business and also the sociology). If this occurs, pick the database that's most appropriate, but consider exploring databases in other subject areas as well, since it's always best to get multiple points of views.
The type filter can be invaluable if you know what type of information you need--peer-reviewed articles, magazine articles, books, etc. From the title list of LVC's databases, focus your search by using All Databases Types filter. Or...focus your database search by both the subject AND the type!
We have research guides for almost every major/department on campus, and sometimes for a specific class (like this one). Each guide has a page linking to the major databases in that field, often with advice on the best databases.