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ITG 499 | The Art of Survival

Professor Andrea Walker

What are ... ?

Proceedings are collections of academic papers that have been presented by researchers at conferences, expositions, workshops or meetings.

Image source:  Orthodontic Technicians Association.  Public Domain.  Wikimedia Commons.

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Get a paper or proceeding via interlibrary loan or Tipasa

What is Tipasa?

  • Tipasa is a service that will provide you with materials that LVC does not own. 
  • Proceedings and PapersFirst  both provide a Request from LVC Tipasa link on each individual record.
  • You can also request a proceeding via Tipasa from the library's homepage (with the Request an Interlibary Loan link).
  • With Tipasa, you'll either get a PDF sent to you electronically, or a hard copy that will need to be returned.

How long does it take?

  • It depends.  If the proceeding is coming in through the mail, allow two weeks. 
  • If it's available electronically, it'll arrive within a few days.