Websites listed below contain sociology data.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive; it lists the more commonly used and useful sites.
Marriage and Family
- American Time Use Survey Data Extract Builder - ATUS-X is a project dedicated to making it easy for researchers to use data from the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). The ATUS is an ongoing time diary study. Requires registration.
- Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study - Also called "The Survey of New Parents," follows a birth cohort of (mostly) unwed parents and their children over a five-year period. The study is designed to provide new information on the capabilities and relationships of unwed parents, as well as the effects of policies on family formation.
- National Survey of Families and Households - A considerable amount of life-history information was collected, including: the respondent's family living arrangements in childhood, departures and returns to the parental home, and histories of marriage, cohabitation, education, fertility, and employment.
- Latin American Migration Project - An ethnosurvey focusing on the migration process is at its core. In addition to basic demographic data, the survey gathers information on family composition, fertility, infant mortality, marital history of the household head, labor history of the household head and his/her spouse, and ownership history. Requires registration.
- Mexican Migration Project - The MMP database is the result of an ongoing multidisciplinary study of Mexican Migration to the United States. It contains data gathered since 1982 in surveys administered every year in Mexico and the United States. Requires registration.
Societal Trends
- Societal Trends - The GSS is widely regarded as the single best source of data on societal trends.
Image source: Unemployed men queued outside a depression soup kitchen opened in Chicago by Al Capone. U.S. Information Agency. 1931. Public domain. Wikimedia Commons.