Websites listed below contain education data.
This list is not meant to be exhaustive; it lists the more commonly used and useful sites.
Data Archive
- Kids Count - A project of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, is a national and state-by-state effort to track the status of children in the U.S.

- Elementary & Secondary Education Finance Data - Data includes revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets (cash and security holdings) of elementary and secondary public school systems. Statistics cover all states, including the District of Columbia, and are available on an annual basis. File formats for downloadable data may vary by year.
Multi-Level Data
- Current Population Survey (October Supplement) - Since the late 1960s, NCES has funded a supplement for the Current Population Survey. The October Supplement routinely gathers data on school enrollment and educational attainment for elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education.
- Education Longitudinal Study of 2002 - A longitudinal survey that will monitor the transitions of a national sample of young people as they progress from tenth grade to, eventually, the world of work.
- High School and Beyond - Includes two cohorts: the 1980 senior class, and the 1980 sophomore class. Both cohorts were surveyed every two years through 1986, and the 1980 sophomore class was also surveyed again in 1992.
- National Household Education Surveys - Provide descriptive data on the educational activities of the U.S. population. The surveys cover learning at all ages, from early childhood to school age to adulthood.
- National Longitudinal Surveys - A set of surveys designed to gather information at multiple points in time on the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of men and women.
School Level Data
- Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System- NCES has established the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) as its core postsecondary education data collection program (prior to IPEDS some of the same information was collected by the Higher Education General Information Survey-HEGIS).
- Common Core of Data - A comprehensive, annual, national statistical database of information concerning all public elementary and secondary schools (approximately 95,000) and school districts (approximately 17,000).
Image source: tncountryfan. CC BY-NC 2.0. flickr.