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Information Literacy

Information literacy tools, aids, services for faculty.


Library Instruction Est.
Teaching   Time
Focus IL Standard
Citations 20 min. Style manuals, elements of a citation, resources to help create citations. 2.5
Databases -- Advanced 25 min. Keyword vs. subject searches, phrase searches, limiters, citation searches.   2.2
Databases -- Basic 25 min. Database selection, keyword searches, field searches, phrase searches, synonyms, narrow/broaden searches. 2.2
Evaluate 25 min. Evaluate information using the CRAAP method (Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose). 3.2
Find Background Info. 15 min. Find introductory or foundational information, subject encyclopedias, statistics. 1.1
Find Books 20 min. Find LVC-owned books, and books found in libraries around the world.  Quick overview of call numbers and locations. 2.3
Find Business/Company Info. 45 min. Covers locating business, industry and company information.  Includes finding ratios, financial information. 2.3
Find Legal Info. 45 min. Legislative:  codes, bills.  Judicial:  case law, cases.  Executive:  regulatory laws, CFR, FR. 2.3
Interlibrary Loan / Tipasa 15 min. Intro to Tipasa / interlibrary loan. Covers Tipasa registration, placing a request, renewing, and finding status updates. 2.3
Keywords 20 min. Create keywords from topic statements, use keywords to search. 1.1
Plagiarism 30 min. Defines plagiarism and academic integrity, discusses how and why to properly give credit. 5.2
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary 20 min. Discusses the differences among primary, secondary, and tertiary sources, and how to locate them. 1.2
Zotero 45 min. Zotero basics: export citations from databases, create folders, and generate a bibliography. 5.3
Scholarly vs. General 20 min. Differentiate between general, trade, and scholarly periodicals. Includes information on the peer-reviewed process. 1.2
Search Strategy 30 min. Use boolean operators, nesting, field searches, limiters, subject terms. 2.2
Subject Specific Resources 45 min. Focus on subject approaches to a topic, subject specific databases, encylopedias, statistical sources, websites. 2.2
Topic Selection 20 min. How to select a topic, narrow and broaden the topic, create research questions, and form a thesis. 1.1