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Communication Sciences & Disorders | SLP

A guide to the research process and information resources in CSD & SLP.

What is EBP?

Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is the framework for your clinical decision-making process.

It is the integration of

  • Clinical Expertise | Expert Opinion.  The knowledge, judgment, and critical reasoning acquired through your training and professional experiences
  • Best Evidence. The best available information gathered from the scientific literature (external evidence) and from data and observations collected on your individual client (internal evidence)
  • Client | Patient | Caregiver Perspectives. The unique set of personal and cultural circumstances, values, priorities, and expectations identified by your client and their caregivers."  (American Speech-Hearing-Language Association, EBP web page). 

Find valuable EBP resources from the American Speech-Hearing-Language Association's  Evidence-Based Practice webpage.  Find information on how to format your PICO question, find EBP resources, and assess the information that you find on LVC's EBP LibGuide.

Evidence Based Resources

Systematic Reviews