Although the topic's unrelated to yours, the search strategies/concepts are extremely useful. Guaranteed to make you laugh and teach you valuable search skills.
LVC Library subscribes to over two hundred online databases. This guide will help you:
Know what to look for when selecting a database.
Learn how to identify search terms that will pull up what you need.
Although many databases look different at first, most have similar features. Understanding how to use them will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your research.
There are plenty of things you can do when your search goes bad.
The link is your friend. Use it!
Most of the information you need will be found in databases. LVC's A - Z Database List tools can help you narrow your database choices. Focus your choices by subject and by the type of information you need, using the pull-downs.
Limit your database search by choosing a specific subject. Recognize, too, that sometimes your topic will straddle several subject areas (for example, gender wage gap could fall within business and also the sociology). If this occurs, you can select both subjects, since it's always best to get multiple points of views.
From the A to Z list of databases, focus your search by using the Types filter. The type filter can be invaluable; it will focus upon databases that contain peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journal articles, case law, magazine articles, books, etc. It is also possible to focus your database search by both the subject AND type!
We have research guides for almost every major/department on campus. Each guide has a page linking to the major databases in that field, often with advice on the best databases.