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Guide to Finding Resources in Nursing.

Find Articles

Search Efficiently

When professors ask you to find articles, they usually want peer-reviewed or refereed articles from scholarly or academic journals.  Some journal examples: American Journal of Nursing, Applied Nursing Research, or Teaching and Learning in Nursing.

Because there are thousands of journals, it is incredibly inefficient to search them individually.  Databases collect these journals, organize them, and provide access to them.  The databases listed below are key resources for finding nursing-related articles.

Get a Copy

Everything you find in databases provides full-text (in one manner or another).   At least one of these links will appear after each record:

  1. PDF or html icons.  PDF is best, html usually provides text only.

  2. Full-Text Open Access.    Connects you to freely available full-text on the web.

  3. Looking for Full-Text?    Provides a link or links to the full-text found in another database.  OR...provides you with a link to Get Article, which is a service that gets a copy of the article for you from another library; allow 3 days.