The following links point to articles that are found on a website by Magna Press, which publishes reports and books on higher education teaching strategies.
Harper, S. R., & Baxter, K. S. (2020). Engaging queer students. In Quaye, S. J., Harper, S. R., & Pendakur, S. L. (eds). Student engagement in higher education. (3rd ed., pp. 161-178).
Print book in Bishop Library. Excellent chapter on engaging queer students.
Hill, R. L., Nguyen, D. J., Kilgo, C. A., Lange, A. C., Shea, H. D., Renn, K. A., & Woodfor, M. R. (2020). How LGBTQ+ students thrive in college. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(3), 267-281
This qualitative study draws from 60 interviews with LGBTQ+ college students to highlight how a positive psychology framework illuminates aspects of LGBTQ+ student success. Utilizing the broaden-and-build theory and the concept of thriving, we found LGBTQ+ students experienced thriving through managing and experiencing support for multiple identities and LGBTQ+-specific connections, contributions, and curriculum. The article concludes with implications for student affairs practice and future research.
Jaekel, K. (2017). Engaging in inclusion: Cultivating LGBTQ students' sense of belonging through a critical place-based curriculum. International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 8(1), 129-148.
The purpose of this article is to detail how the inclusion of LGBTQ students and topics was achieved in a first-year writing course using a critical place-based curriculum. While most place-based curricula do not take into account LGBTQ students and unique lived experiences on campus, this article details how conversations and assignments were altered to take into consideration issues of power and privilege on campus. Implications suggest the need for adoption of critical pedagogical practices in the composition classroom.
Linley, J. L., Nguyen, D., Brazelton, G. B., Becker, B., Renn, K., & Woodford, M. (2016). Faculty as sources of support for LGBTQ college students. College Teaching, 64(2), 55-63.
This study, drawn from a subset of qualitative data from a national study of LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer) student success, explores the role of faculty support in promoting LGBTQ student success. Six aspects of faculty support are identified and illuminated within formal and informal contexts. Students' voices show how LGBTQ students interact with faculty and what kinds of interactions students experience as supportive.
Seelman, K. L. (2014). Recommendations of transgender students, staff, and faculty in the USA for improving college campuses. Gender and Education 26(6), 618-635.
Research indicates that transgender individuals frequently experience marginalisation and interpersonal victimisation within college and university settings. Missing from the literature is a discussion of what can be done to address such patterns in higher education, based upon empirical data gathered from transgender and gender non-conforming students, staff, and faculty. The present study aimed to fill this gap by reporting on solutions offered by a sample of 30 individuals in one US state while integrating a lens of intersectionality. Five resulting themes include (a) offer education, campus programming, and support for trans individuals; (b) improve university systems and procedures for recording one's name and gender; (c) encourage greater inclusivity and recruitment of diverse groups; (d) make physical changes to facilities; and (e) hold people accountable. These findings suggest institutional actions and policy changes for higher education administrators and others committed to improving campuses for transgender and gender non-conforming people.