... try to cover all subjects. This means that you'll usually find something on your topic, it's just that the depth of coverage will be shallow. Subject-specific databases will offer more breadth and depth. Below are several of LVC's multidisciplinary databases.
Academic Search Ultimate
- Mix of academic, popular, and news articles.
- Mix of full-text and citation only.
- Excellent breadth.
- Detailed subject headings.
- Good place to start when you're not sure what database to use.
- Selection of core academic journals.
- All full-text.
- All journals go back to volume 1.
- Full-text searching available.
- Lacks most recent 3-5 years of most journals.
- Difficult to search.
- Irregular subject coverage: weak in some fields.
- Index to the contents of over 16,000 journals.
- Good breadth.
- Coverage in science, technology, medicine, social science, business, the humanities, and popular culture.
- Little full-text.
- No subject terms.
- Lack of depth.