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Exercise Science

Library resources for exercise science.


Be prepared to be flexible with your research question or thesis.

If you find too much information, your topic/thesis may be too broad.  You will need to narrow or focus it.

If you are finding very little information, your topic/thesis may be too specific, narrow, specialized or current.  It may be difficult to find enough information to write your paper.  In this case, you will need to broaden your topic or thesis.


Broaden Your Topic


Generalize your topic, or explore related topics or issues.  If your topic is the treatment of shoulder impingement syndrome in  overhead athletes with Kinesio taping, consider expanding that slightly to explore the use of athletic tape in shoulder injuries.






If your topic has just occurred, there won't be books or journal articles available just yet.  Choose an alternative topic that is not so recent.



 Database Choice 


Use other databases in your subject area, or consider checking databases in a related subject area (which might cover the topic from a different perspective, for example, education or psychology).


Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for your topic. When reading background information, note how your topic is expressed in these materials. When you find citations in an article database, note the terms being used by experts in the field.





Explore related issues--what are some of the other methods used for dealing with overhead athlete shoulder injuries?





Expand or remove: location, time period, aspect, event, population, person/group.


Narrow Your Topic


Modern time period vs. historical perspective





Town, city, state, nation, country




 Age, race, gender, nationality, ethnic group, occupation 
 Event or Aspect


Focus on an event within your topic: shoulder injury prevention.  Or consider a particular aspect: historical, sociological, psychological


 Person or   Group


Related to your topic:  overhead athletes, middle-aged, football players, soccer players, adolescents