Library access to HBR is restricted:
You may find some HBR case studies in Business Source Complete. These case studies are short (around four pages each) and should not be confused with the premium Harvard Business Publishing case studies, which range from 10 to 30 pages in length.
Your best method for getting copies of HBR case studies is via the Harvard Business Review website (found in the Find Business Cases box to the left, under the $$$ tab). Each HBR case study costs $9.00.
Case studies, or teaching cases, are "documented studies of a specific real-life situation or imagined scenarios" that are often used by business schools or companies as a training tools. Usually they don't give a solution, as students are meant to analyze the situation and provide solutions.
"Case Study." Image source: Marcie L. Wagner, CC BY-3.0. Wikimedia Commons.
Case Study Articles
Case study articles are articles which describe a specific business situation and usually offer analysis and/or solutions. These may be found in peer reviewed, scholarly, or trade journals. You can find full-text case study articles using the two databases listed under the @ Bishop Library tab in the box below.