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CRJ 331 | Criminology

Professor Whiteley

Google Scholar


Search Google Scholar.  Choose the Case Law radio button, and if you know the particular court, select the court as well.

Run your search by the case name, usually it's best to put it in between " " to make sure the engine searches it exactly like that--with all the words in your case name glued together. 

If that fails, try loosening the search up, without the " ".  You'll get more results, but they'll generally be less relevant, too.  Still, it's worth a shot, particularly if you're unsure of the exact case name/format.

County Court Records

With a Google search of court records and the county and state the crime was prosecuted within, sometimes you can find a county website that will provide court records. 

This will be hit or miss:  Some will be available electronically, others not.   Some will charge for these records, others not.