The databases listed to the right are most appropriate for education and science.
A good starting point for science education: ERIC.
Image: Red-eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas). Carey James Balboa. Public domain. Wikimedia Commons.
Find journal articles in the field of education:
Provides access to more than 1.6 million records for scholarly journal articles and ERIC documents (usually research reports), dissertations, conference proceedings--all focused on education.
Find journal articles in the sciences:
This link will take you to a registration page which will allow you to set up a user account with SciFinder. You must use your LVC email address to register.
Access for current LVC faculty, students and staff only.
With Primo Search, you can find books, e-books, movies, music, audiobooks, full-text articles, images, dissertations, theses and more.